Monday, December 15, 2008

Athens is on fire.

Has anybody heard about this shit going on in greece?!
the cities are on fire,
there's riots all over the streets.
15 year old kids,
making bombs,
lighting the police on fire.

a 15 year old kid was shot in cold blood by the police,
and it looks like the cop who fired is going to get off.
these people are doing exactly what they should be doing.
it's about time someone stood up to these corrupt fucking power systems.
if it's not working, 
the people are SUPPOSED TO
get fired up,
light it on fire
& build a new.

stay strong, freedom fighters.

here's a blog run by some citizens over there,
and participants in the riots. 
a first-hand account that you're not going to hear from the major media outlets.
On The Greek Riots

i guess them greek kids really know somethin' about art.

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