Saturday, August 30, 2008


its blue vs. red,
at least in my head,
and you're the finish line.
but i'll never quite make it,
its the hill i can't take it,
and i feel like i'm wasting my time.

i've always been known
to be a pretty 'friendly' person.
and i've had my fair share of encounters
and relationships,
but lately somethings different.
at first i thought something happened to me or whatever,
like i fell off,
inside myself.
but i don't feel different.
in fact, i feel better than ever.
then i thought,
you know,
maybe its just a dry spell.
tonight i realized,
its not a spell,
nothing happened to me,
its her.
its been her all along.
seeing her tonight with him,
although it hurt,
i felt the need to be nice,
and you know, welcoming.
i just want her to be happy.
but i wish it was with me.
but thats it.
im done.
i love you but im leaving.

you play me like a fiddle,
but i've since lost my tune,
so ill leave like a tree,
no im not going anywhere,
but ill blend in like the scenery to your life,
and you'll fade out like the last clip of mine.
ill hold you close as a flame,
and i hope you'd do me the same. 

"I've been lonely,
but i know i'll be okay.
good love is on the way"
the mayer trio is unstoppable,
and he knows how to say it best.
there's no worries here.
nothing but love.

as a matter of fact.
a love train is on her way.
this post ends well.

goodnight. ;)

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