Tuesday, October 28, 2008

complications, revelations, and the realization of self.

i've been more productive then quite possibly ever before in my life.
and it feels good.
i just wish i had something to show for it in the present.
as opposed to always making plans for the future.
you see, thats what i do.
i build foundations.
plant seeds.
and then once my tree grows,
i rarely ever know what to do with it,
so i plant more,
in hopes that one day
the fruit of my labor will blossom.

heres how i see it.
settle for nothing less than perfection.
don't sell yourself short.
and don't ever,
ever let them hit you while you're down,
as a matter of fact,
don't ever let them see you hit the ground,
because once they know you're down there...
let's just say misery loves company,
and i feel the weaker ones trying to pull me down.
i think that might be why i stress so much sometimes,
i'm so worried about falling down there,
being that person.
you remember when you were younger,
and your mother told you that people will make fun and mock you 
because really they're jealous?
i remember,
and that's why i'm here.

never surrender,
it's the easy way out.

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