Sunday, October 5, 2008

the creation of the pauper.

money is a lost cause,
thats growing far too old,
and it can't even measure,
it's weight's worth in gold.
there's too many stocks,
& too little time,
and too many bankers,
who nickel and dime,
and give away things,
even they can't repay,
and they lose lots of money,
then they call it a day.
because you can't expect someone to pay back,
what they couldn't afford to start,
but we keep feeding these people loans,
as if it were a kind of art.
now we're losing all our profits,
and we're losing all our minds,
and everything's headed downhill,
it's just a matter of time.
so buy out what you can,
and prepare yourself for the worst,
and maybe in the new rise,
people like us will finish first.

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