Monday, July 14, 2008

gut cup.

and in the space between,
life and dreams,
three and four,
you'll find me looking for more.
because that's what I do,
when I fill my meter up,
I do what I have to,
to fill my broken mangled cup.
its like faith in dogma,
or the genocide in sudan,
its not going anywhere,
and its grows as fast as it can.
I live inside of boxes,
I eat outside of life,
I am the holy and the faceless,
both burning deep with strife.
so gimme all you wanted,
and throw away all you need,
and ill teach you the ways of the cheated,
ill teach you of the lies,
and hate,
and greed.

thats kind of a darker one,
but i like it,
it has fire.

tonight was a friend's birthday party.
bp & flip cup.
i played desi.
still found a way up.

check this out,

i was driving tonight,
and i held my arm out the window,
and i felt the wind against my hand.
and i dig that.
i think thats all im going to say about that,
for now.

i like
late night sunday/early morning monday
conversations with friends.
because this summer pool gig,
it ain't open on mondays.
so i can relaaaax.
i also like seeing cool pictures tagged.
that makes me smile.

i just realized that
i haven't put any pictures on here yet.
like, anything.
maybe ill start posting.
and if i can get the software for my camera
to load onto the macbook,
and i start taking pictures again,
then ill post those too.

i think i may be starting a new music project up soon.
i spoke to adam about it tonight,
and every time i see him he's better at the guitar.
that would be really tight.
i miss making music.
i haven't even tried to since high school.
the beginning of the past fall semester i played a little bit,
open-mic nights and stuff with a few friends,
but never anything our own,
nor creative.
but i want it to be something fun.
exciting and intricate like experimental,
yet fun like pop-punk,
with 'hey's!' & claps.
and group vocals.
yet classy.
haha, yeah.

i have a million white t-shirts,
yet i can never find more than seven.
they came in 3-packs,
i bought at least 4 to begin with.
and i've bought several packs after.
but i never ever ever
can find more than 7.
and what's worse,
generally 4 or 5 of those,
regular circle necks.
i haven't bought a pack of those in awhile,
because v-necks are my thing.
yet i seem to keep losing more and more v's,
and finding more and more c's.
plain white t-shirts are like lighters.

i just re-read that last part,
& that's a dumb problem i have.

my body craves sleep,
so that's where ill go to.

"all the things one has forgotten
scream for help in dreams."

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