Monday, July 14, 2008

these are the thoughts you don't know you think.

this pen is a fountain of symbols.
symbols that have been produced from
the reactions of chemicals and matter inside my brain,
pushed out through the muscles in my fingers,
and out onto the paper, where they will remain untouched.
untouched until your eyes grace them and ultimately comprehend.
but you don't really comprehend it, and its not your fault,
you couldn't.
in a sea of vowels and consonants
and subjections and verbs,
all that you know is waves.

today i woke up,
and i had this like
notion stuck in my head.
it was that
'reclining, is a robot pastime.'

i'm doing a hugee dump off of all the stuff
thats on my sidekick,
sometime today.
because when i get my new phone,
i'm going to lose it.
so i'm trying to save anything thats worthwhile.

might be a heavy post day.

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